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Our Consulting Services

Our non-regulatory consultancy services provide unique assistance across the financial services sectors, with a focus on good oversight and record keeping.

Fiduciary Investment Duties

Investment oversight is an absolute duty of a trustee, and regulatory-themed visits often cite weaknesses in this area. A fresh review of this process by an independent professional will help to identify risks and solutions, including possible efficiencies and new revenue opportunities.

Review or provision of a clear Financial Assets Policy;

Improve client engagement;

Drive new revenue lines for your business;

Leverage big data enhancing risk management and board/committee reporting;

Drive process efficiencies to reduce administrative time spent costs;

Investment Oversight/Risk Committees

We can join, and if required chair, the investment oversight committee to further strengthen this aspect of a fiduciary business. We focus on leveraging this activity to improve your teams’ engagement with their clients to ensure your business is perceived as their trusted adviser.

Provision of SMEs to investment oversight committee;

Act as the fiduciary interface with external investment monitoring service providers;

Private markets asset oversight;

Investment Suitability

As a fiduciary knows, investing is never about one individual, but multiple beneficiaries and factors. Altair Consulting provides the skills and experience to define and leverage suitability through a fiduciary lens, for the benefit of your business and your clients. We can tailor Investment Policy Statements and provide guidance to reduce fiduciary risk and improve client engagement.

Risk profiling of fiduciary structures and Investment Policy Statements;

Behavioural finance and sustainability engagement with beneficiaries and shareholders;

Private markets asset proposals;

Expert witness support on asset and strategy suitability;

Measuring successful outcomes;

Manager Selection

Fiduciaries often deal with a multitude of investment managers, resulting in increased costs which they may struggle to recover. Altair Consulting will enable you to have a clear process around future manager selection that will focus on time-spent recovery for value added work and, in turn, leverage referral opportunities from Asset/Wealth Managers.

Design and management of preferred manager lists;

Consolidation of manager lists;

Investment solutions for smaller value entities;

Beauty parade management, working with independent manager selectors;

Manager investment due diligence reports;

Efficient and controlled manager appointment process;

Fiduciary investment education

Whilst a fiduciary is not expected to be a subject matter expert, they need to know the appropriate questions to ask of their appointed investment professionals. Altair Consulting will run workshops to help you maintain best practice on new processes or technical areas to ensure your governance model is well defined and robust. Investing in improving your staff’s knowledge will not only enhance client experience, but will also support your ability to recruit, grow and retain.

Fiduciary investment duties of trustees and directors;

Investment basics for trustees;

Illiquid asset strategies;

Non-financial assets and digital assets;

Performance and risk analysis through a fiduciary lens;

Family office services

Altair Consulting can provide individuals to meet your economic substance needs where you need to evidence you have skills, experience and qualified professionals. Subject to your needs this service may be provided through our Altair Directors regulated business.

We also undertake independent reviews where our unfettered views can add value to the family who, like their investment team, may be too close to identify possible weaknesses and opportunities.

Provision of independent investment directors to support economic substance

Independent governance and process reviews;

Manager selection support;

Company secretarial support

The role of company secretary is critical to good corporate governance, ensuring the company is compliant with companies legislation and regulation, as well as its memorandum and articles. We can support a Registered Person to evolve and enhance their existing corporate governance processes in their day-to-day administration of corporate entities, providing a consistent approach and best practice. This will both enhance client service and reduce business risk. We provide a solution to assist with project-based work, cover staff shortages, training, or other support needs.

Temporary resource solutions;

Fulfilling your annual and interim filing requirements;

Preparation of complex company minutes;

Clearing outstanding minute backlogs;

Staff training and best practice;

Contact Us

5 Anley Street, St Helier, Jersey, Channel Islands, JE2 3QE